How To Cure Your Pain in the Apps
A Weekly Video Series from Evan Shapiro & Applicaster



Episode 4: Front-End Flexibility & the Quest for Innovation
Jonathan Laor, Founder & VP Product, Applicaster


Learn “How To Cure Your Pain in the Apps” with Evan Shapiro and Applicaster! This new series brings together top minds to tackle the toughest app management hurdles.

“We support companies with their frontend challenges around media delivery. But what we REALLY do is help deliver the strategy. Frontends are not only an expression of content delivery, they’re an expression of business and pricing strategy, ad placement, analytics, CRM, customer relations, ratings, and a ton of different processes.”
- Jonathan Laor

Join Evan and Applicaster’s own  Jonathan Laor in our finale, as he shares the importance of strategic innovation and the company's approach to supporting clients with adaptability and vision. Their conversation about infrastructure unification and front-end flexibility highlights the evolving nature of app management.

Jonathan and Evan get excited about the opportunities presented by generative AI and hyper-personalization, and Jonathan offers valuable advice for people seeking new roles in the business. This episode sheds light on Applicaster's strategy of meeting today's demands while looking ahead to future innovations, providing viewers with insights on fostering business growth in a constantly changing digital environment.

“Customers can either build nothing, or build as much as they want. If you bought Applicaster for what it is, you would buy it for all the things that it can do that you need. And it would do it a lot faster, give you a lot more flexibility … So whatever the budget you have is, spend it on the things that actually drive a competitive advantage. It’s a lot cheaper than building it yourself.” - Jonathan Laor



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